and I'm 2.5lb down! I weigh 152.5lb now and this is just 3.5lb higher than my lowest weight. I hope to be below my lowest weight of 149lb a fortnight from now! Considering I had a pretty bad weekend food wise, as it was Jonathan's birthday, much cake, sweets, and meals out, meant I was not anticipating a loss really... much less a good one like that! I would have been pleased for a maintain!
I am hoping that my weigh in next Tuesday is even better news, and I will be doing my best to focus on eating habits again!
Dinner tonight was pumpkin soup! Very nice actually, I was pleasantly surprised! I do like home-made soup, and I was also pleased that Robert ate it, as he tends to refuse soup! I think he liked the idea that the pumpkin we carved made the soup he was eating :)